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Roebuck hunting in Croatia

Roebuck hunting in Croatia is very popular, many hunting areas start the hunt as early as April 16. and the rest of the hunting areas from May 1. You can also experience seeing other game species such as wild boar, deer, jackal and fox while hunting roe deer.


Normally you hunt with a 1:1 guide who helps judge trophy size, but in some areas we have an agreement on deer bucks with no limit on CIC-points which means you can post alone in hunting towers.


We have package offers and basic packages with roe deer according to price list.


Trophy size roebuck

  • 105.00-114.99 CIC ( bronze )
  • 115.00-129.99 CIC ( silver )
  • 130.00+ CIC ( gold )


  • 4 netter på jakthus
  • 3 jaktdager
  • m/u 1:1 jaktguide
  • frokost/lunsj og middag
  • fellingstillatelse rådyr
  • Kroatisk jakt- og våpenlisens
  • troféoppmåling CIC-sertifikat
  • ettersøkshund ved behov
  • rengjøring (utkoking) gevir
  • WiFi på jakthuset
  • hjelp til bestilling av flybillett
  • norsk reiseleder som kan kroatisk

General information

  • hunting time roebuck 16.04-31.09
  • 2-4 hunting days, 3-5 nights
  • 1-4 hunters per group
  • 1:1 hunting guide
  • hunting form: high seat / possibility of spot and stalk.

Contact us

for more information or offers, send request or call +47 46652010

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since 2011


of a lifetime



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